Music Has Power

Welcome! The Association of New Jersey Chinese School Youth Chinese Orchestra (ANJCSYCO) is a unique music organization bringing young people together to learn and play a wide repertoire of music by using traditional Chinese instruments. Through music, we instill our young musicians the values of cultural diversity, mutual respect, self-discipline, and community service.
我們相信音樂就是力量! 透過音樂, 可以幫助我們的社區了解我們的文化,增進彼此的互動。保存國樂傳統, 促進文化多元性。我們的樂團的獨特性在於我們以傳統國樂為平台,幫助我們的青少年團員創造出中西文化交融的演出. 地方社區的服務。
Our Commitment
We prepare and inspire our young musicians through vigorous ensemble training and offer many performance opportunities.

Summer Camp
Our annual summer camp (June 21-23) is open to registeration. Spots are limited, please register as soon as possible.
為培育樂團新血輪,特舉辦為期三天的國樂夏令營 (6月21-23日)。名額有限,請盡快註冊.

Our Annual Concert is scheduled on June 8 at Rutgers University’s Niocolas Music Center. Admission is free. Please join us!
我們的少年國樂團在6月8日將於 Rutgers University舉辦年度音樂會,演奏中西名曲。我們期待著您的光臨。

If you’re interested in learning a Chinese instrument and be part of our orchestra, please contact us for more information.
2019-20年度樂團招生. 本團特聘請資深專業老師提供一對一課程, 竭誠歡迎對國樂演奏有興趣之青少年朋友們踴躍參加。
Community Spirit
We actively perform in senior centers, schools, public libraries, hospitals, and other local cultural events.

Our Sponsors
We would like to thank all the organizations, dononrs, volunteers, parents of our musicians, and numerous individuals for their continued support and generousity. Your support is an integral part of our success.
我們衷心地感謝給予本樂團贊助的所有組織單位及個人. 您的支持是我們成功的重要一部分.