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2020-2021 Orchestra Open Recuritment
Our Orchestra aims to educate and spread the beauty of the Chinese classical/folk music in America. We are a unique orchestra that performs Chinese and Western music to elevate cultural harmony in our community. Orchestra has invited many senior music professionals to teach techniques in Chinese musical instrument for all players; We welcome all the young kids who like music and Chinese instrument to join us.
Annual Membership Fee: $180;Uniform Fee: Boy $25/Girl $46
Qualifications: Age 8 – 18 years; must have one (1) year of experience playing Chinese Music instruments or have attended the 2016 ANJCS Youth Chinese Orchestra Summer Day Camp. New qualified applicants who have not attended the Summer Day Camp will require an audition.
New members are required to sign up a minimum of 6 private one to one lessons in school year.
Group rehearsal: Time: Saturday 7:30–9:30 pm (Every two weeks. Check calendar)
Private Lesson: Most lessons will be on the 1 st & 3 rd Saturdays of the month from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm at Yinghua Internation Chinese School. Only percussion and some erhu on 1st & 3rd Sundays. Lessons are from October to early June. The order to choose a time slot is first come first serve basis.
樂團年費: $180 樂團制服: 男 $25; 女:$46
報名資格: : 8 歲至18歲, 曾學習中國樂器1年以上者; 或是有參加本團 2018年夏令營者。沒有參加本團夏令營的新學員須經試聽。新學員要參加至少六次一對一的課程
樂練時間: 週六 7:30 pm-9:30 pm
樂練地點: 25 Laurel Ave. Kingston, NJ (英華國際中文學校)
個別授課: 本團特聘請資深專業老師提供一對一課程,歡迎學員參加,十月中旬至六月初每月第一, 三個禮拜六下午在英華國際中文學校, 或禮拜日上午在Franklin. 優先報名者可先選時間。最後地點/時間/費用另行通知。
Focus • Dedicated • Determined
Summer Camp
2020-2021 Summer Camp is Open to Registeration
Description: There will be four instrument types taught at the camp: Strings (Erhu), Plucking (Pipa, Ruan, Liuqin), Wind (Flute), and Percussion (Drum, Guzheng and Yangqin). Students must select one instrument to learn before the camp starts. Classes will be taught by four professional musicians, and each will assign to one type of instruments. Students in each class will be grouped based on proficiency in the instrument. Each class must have a minimum of four students to open. Please note that we have a very limited number of instruments available for rental on a first come first serve basis, so we highly encourage students to bring their own instruments.
Date: 6/26 – 6/28 (Friday – Sunday)
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday 6/26/2020, check in before 10:00AM
Location: 25 Laurel Ave, Kingston, NJ 08528
(Ying-Hua international School of Princeton)
Attendee Age: 8 – 18
Fees: Tuition $375 ($360 if registered by 4/30) and includes daily lunch.
Instrument Rental: $45 (waived if you have your own instrument)
No transportation will be provided (If needed, please contact us for carpooling opportunities).
2020-2021 夏令營招生
本樂團為教育與傳播中華民族音樂, 將於 2020 年暑期舉辦為期三天的國樂夏令營。竭誠歡迎對國樂演奏有興趣之青少年朋友們踴躍參加。
夏令營分: 弦樂(胡琴), 彈撥(琵琶, 阮, 柳琴), 吹奏(笛子), 敲擊(鼓, 扬琴, 古箏) 四班, 並由四位資深專業國樂老師分別教授, 各班學員再依經歷與能力分組上課; 每班四人即可開班。
本團可供租用的樂器種類及數量非常有限(先租先得, 租完為止), 學員自備樂器最為理想. 這是開始學習國樂的最佳良機, 請勿錯過!
日期: 6 月 26 – 28 日(週 五, 六, 日, 一 共三天; 無住宿)
時間: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
6 月26 日 週 五 10:00 am 前報到
地點: 25 Laurel Ave, Kingston, NJ 08528 (Ying-Hua international School of Princeton)
資格: 8 至 18 歲之青少年。
費用: 學費 $ 375 (4/30 之前報名, 學費優惠價 $360)含三天午餐
樂器租金: 三天 $ 45 (自備樂器者免繳)
交通: 自理 (如有需要請來 Email 詢問汽車共乘機會)