Our summer music camp is open for registration. There will be four instrument types taught at the camp – Strings (Erhu), Plucking (Pipa, Ruan, Liuqin), Wind (Flute), and Percussion (Drum, Guzheng and Yangqin). Students must select one instrument to learn before the camp starts. Classes will be taught by four professional musicians, one for each type of instruments. Students in each class will be grouped based on proficiency in the instrument. Each class must have a minimum of four students to open. Please note that we have a very limited number of instruments available for rental on a first come first serve basis, so we highly encourage students to bring their own instruments. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to learn Chinese music! Please download registration forms from anjcsyco.com
Date: 6/21 – 6/23 (Friday – Sunday)
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday 6/21/2019, check in before 10:00AM
Location: 25 Laurel Ave, Kingston, NJ 08528
(Ying-Hua international School of Princeton)
Attendee Age: 8 – 18
Fees: Tuition $375 ($360 if registered by 4/30) (includes daily lunch) Instrument Rental: $45 (waived if own instrument is used)
No transportation will be provided (If needed, please contact us for carpooling opportunities). Contact us at anjcsyco@gmail.com for general questions (specifically for instrument purchase or rental related questions)
新澤西中文學校協會青少年國樂團, 經常於社區活動中演出,亦曾於紐約州博覽會演出,今年又獲蜜郡藝術獎,6月8日將於Nicholas Music Center, Rutgers University舉辦年度音樂會,演奏中西名曲。為培育樂團新血輪,特舉辦為期三天的國樂夏令營,每天9:00 AM – 5:00 PM。夏令營分:弦樂、彈撥、吹奏、揚琴/敲擊四組, 每組依程度分班教學,並由四位旅美資深專業國樂老師分別教授。有少數樂器可租用,樂器租金三天 $45(自備樂器者免繳)。卽日起招生,報名表格下載:www.anjcs.org。請在首頁的活動日期表,下滑至6/21– 6/23 2019,再click藍色字體”報名表”。
時間:6月21 – 23日(週五、六、日).
地點:Ying-Hua Internation School英華國際學校, 25 Laurel Avenue, Kingston, NJ 08528.
資格:8 至18歲. 費用: (含三天午餐)4月30日或之前,$360. 5月1日起,$375.